14 Jul

Intimate massage and orgasm: letting go of the goal

Intimacy is not always about orgasm… Avoiding ejaculation and clitoral ‘peak orgasm’ is a foundation principle in Tantric sex. For many of my clients this is confusing – they hear this and believe that they are ’not allowed’ to orgasm. The truth is quite the opposite. By moving away...
19 Jun

Tips from a Tantric massage therapist

Giving and receiving massage is a fantastic way to create intimacy, trust and connection in your relationship(s). Erotic massage can take the pressure off penetrative sex, can help you both to relax, can add variety to your sexual routine and can even help to fix specific sexual issues such...
25 Jan

Massage course for couples

Nothing says ‘I love you’ like giving and receiving massage… Valentines Day 2021 will be a very different experience for many couples. Without the usual ‘romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant’ to fall back on (thanks COVID!), what can you gift to your beloved that will ensure they feel...
02 Sep

How to get better at giving and receiving massage…

Simple tips, amazing results… If you’re interested in my massage course for couples you’ve probably asked yourself, at some point, ‘how do I get better at giving massage?‘ It’s my belief and experience that being able to give amazing massage and touch is not just something you ‘do’…it’s something...
24 Aug

Amazing techniques for anal massage

Why you should be trying anal massage… Anal massage is great foreplay for anal sex, but that’s not the only reason for incorporating it into your sex life! Many people have more unconscious emotional charge (shame, fear, pain) in their anal area than in any other part of their...
15 Jun

Welcome to the healing and pleasure available in your breasts!

Give your breasts some love… Regardless of gender and the size or shape of your breasts and nipples, they are a gateway to orgasmic sensation and deep pleasure.  Many people discount the wonder and beauty of their breasts and nipples and are missing out on an abundance of sensation...
01 May

Pleasure Mapping for Couples

Communication in sex… One of the most common problems I hear from couples I work with is that they’re not confident in communicating what feels good and what doesn’t during sex and intimacy, and that’s resulting in a dissatisfying or non-existent sex life. Some people feel shame about discussing...
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