Giving a massage at home is a wonderful thing to do! However, even experienced massage practitioners can occasionally make mistakes. This article outlines the five most common errors, and gives you some simple ways to correct them.
Partner massage benefits and tips
Are you and your partner looking for a relaxing and intimate way to connect without leaving the comfort of home? Consider trying partner massage! Learning how to give each other massage and spending quality time with each other is a great option for ‘date...
What is perineal massage?
Perineal massage is the process of massaging and gently stretching the skin, fascia and muscles of the pelvic floor, the opening of the vagina and the perineum (the space between your vaginal opening and your anus). This area of your body has to significantly relax...
What is male infertility?
If you or your partner are struggling with infertility issues, you are not alone. More and more couples are struggling to conceive. A 2017 meta-analysis study found ‘a significant decline in sperm counts…between 1973 and 2011’ of up to 50-60% among men from North America,...