28 Jun

A guide to lube

Using lube during sex
What’s the best lube or lubrication to use for intimate massage and sex? This is a question that comes up a lot in my couples coaching sessions and couples workshops. Sensual intimate massage is lots more fun if you use some oil or lubrication, so here’s my ultimate guide...
21 May

Anal sex toys in self-pleasure

What’s so great about anal pleasure? Believe it or not, a lot of people are fascinated by their own (and other people’s) buttholes and in this article I’ll share with you some simple tips if you want to start exploring with anal sex toys. The anus is an area...
21 Apr

Masturbation Positions

Mindful Masturbation Course
Make masturbation more exciting Witnessing people masturbating has taught me a lot. One thing I’ve noticed is that most people have a very boring and static masturbation position that they adopt. This limits their engagement with their actual body: they sit or lie in one position, their hand moves...
28 Feb

Mindful Masturbation: A beginners guide

What is Tantric masturbation? The main difference between Tantric masturbation and ‘regular’ masturbation is the lack of a ‘goal’. Whereas typically masturbation would end in ejaculation or clitoral orgasm (and often that’s the sole motivation for doing it – to get to that end point), Tantric masturbation is more...
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